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Russian mobile operator MegaFon attacked by Ukrainian hackers

Cyber ​​specialists from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry have launched a major attack on the systems of MegaFon, one of the largest mobile and Internet operators in Russia, Ukrainian media reported, citing intelligence sources. Ukrainian media.

According to them, residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and many central regions of the Russian Federation began to complain about interruptions in mobile communications, the Internet, as well as the poor operation of many mobile services and applications since yesterday morning. Within a few hours, Roskomnadzor confirmed a malfunction of the "infrastructure" of the company "MegaFon".

Ukrainian intelligence services also announced that the successful cyber attack disrupted the work of communication and internet operators "Iota" and "NetBiNet". Russians have also been temporarily banned from accessing internet services such as "Steam", "Twitch" and "Discord".

The statement states that members of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine destroyed important satellite equipment in the Russian region of Tyotkino.

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