The Russians have revealed what response they are preparing for the Ukrainian F-16s

The Russian R-37 air-to-air missiles will be able to shoot down the F-16 planes that the Ukrainian army will receive, writes the "Business Insider" portal. The media outlet points out that the Russian armed forces use Su-35 and MiG-31 fighters, which are armed with long-range R-37 air-to-air missiles.

The characteristics of these missiles pose a great threat to the Ukrainian F-16 - the article says.

It was previously reported that the new Russian air-to-air missile R-37M proved to be the most effective among similar weapons in the zone of special military operations.

It has also been noted that during their use the probability of hitting targets is close to one hundred percent, that is, one target can be hit with one rocket, reports Politika.

Otherwise, during the entire time of the special operation in Ukraine, the R-37M successfully shot down Ukrainian fighters Su-27 and MiG-29, attack aircraft Su-25, frontal bombers Su-24M, helicopters and drones.

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