The parents of the deceased twins will be under the supervision of the Center for Social Affairs.
The Inter-Municipal Center for Social Work Prilep, in connection with the unfortunate event of the death of the two newborns who died yesterday at the age of only 20 days, inspected the parents' home in the village of Slavej. It has been decided that in the coming period the Center will carry out parental supervision because the family has 3 more children, to which the parents agreed. The grandfather of the babies, in a statement to the public service MTV, said that "one baby died of bronchitis, and the other due to a doctor's error." The hospital denies this.
Based on the inspection, it was determined that the family has three more minor children, the conditions where the family lives are not extremely bad and inhumane, as is portrayed in the public, but on the contrary, the parents have provided heating in the home, food and clothing for the children, the only thing missing is more attention and observance of hygiene. According to the records of the Center, the family is a beneficiary of parental allowance for a third child and guaranteed child allowance, and occasionally, the father works as a laborer in the village, he has additional help from his grandfather who is in a regular job and helps them, say the SWC Prilep.
Previously, the director of the Prilep hospital, Dr. Kire Jonoski, told "Sloboden Pechat" that one twin was pronounced dead after being brought in by ambulance, and the other, despite resuscitation, could not be saved.
-Yesterday, the ambulance went to the scene in the village of Slavej. The two newborns were malnourished, frozen, I was present when the anesthesiologist and pediatrician performed resuscitation. One child had minimal signs of life but resuscitation was unsuccessful, and the other was immediately pronounced dead, Dr. Jonoski told "Sloboden Pechat".
The Center for Social Affairs conducted a new inspection of the family's home today and found good living conditions.
During today, a new inspection was carried out in the family's home. At the time of the inspection, the children were being cared for by the grandfather and it was found that hygiene had improved compared to the first inspection. During today, a conversation was held with the parents, who are ready to cooperate. From the conversation, it was learned that the newborn was born with a low birth weight, was kept for ten days for hospital treatment, and then the mother with the newborns was prematurely released to home conditions. During the inspection of the home, it was found that there was baby food, two milk bottles, hygiene products, diapers, a stroller for twins. Until the unfortunate event, there was no report or tip-off to the Public Institution MCSR Prilep by a family member or by another person from the wider environment, nor from an institution, that the family or any family member was at risk, write from the CSW Prilep.
As stated by the Prilep hospital on 30.12.2024, the mother born in 2001, in her fourth pregnancy (twins), gave birth spontaneously. The twins are premature, born in the 34th week of gestation. The first newborn, a male, has a birth weight of 1970 grams, and the second, a female, weighs 1780 grams.
On 10.01.2025, at the request of the mother and with her signature, the newborns were discharged from the hospital. On 16.01.2025, at 10:45 a.m., the female newborn was brought to the pediatric department in serious condition as a result of frostbite. According to available information, the male newborn had previously died at home from the same cause, the hospital said in a statement.
They add that upon admission of the female newborn, intensive medical intervention was immediately undertaken.
Resuscitation was performed, the newborn was intubated, placed in a warm blanket and additional warming measures were applied. Despite all the attempts made by the medical staff, the condition continued to deteriorate. At 13:XNUMX, unfortunately, the death of the female newborn was confirmed. We deeply regret the loss and remain committed to providing the best possible care for all patients, they say.
The Public Prosecutor from the Prilep Public Prosecutor's Office issued an order for an autopsy of the deceased newborns in order to determine the causes of death.
"The twins were in serious health condition, so the mother called an ambulance, which upon arriving at the home in the village of Slavej, determined that one of the babies was dead. The other was transferred to the Prilep hospital in serious condition, where he died," Public Prosecutor Stevcho Binoski told Sloboden Pechat.
The public prosecutor has notified the Prilep Center for Social Affairs, which is conducting increased surveillance in the family and should conclude regarding possible protective measures for the remaining three children, the prosecution added.