The IOM quarterly report shows that the tariffs for migrants transiting through Macedonia "rippled".

Migrants on Idomeni/October 11, 2022/Photo: Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

In the period from April 1 to June 30 of this year, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) surveyed 270 migrants placed in the Vinojug and Tabanovce Transit Reception Centers.

- The main nationalities that transited through North Macedonia in the second quarter of 2024 were Syrian citizens, representing 43 percent of the examined group, followed by Moroccan citizens with 17 percent and Egyptian citizens with 7 percent of the sample. Nationals of Pakistan and Turkey each made up six percent of the sample. Most migrants in the movement are single men hoping and aiming for family reunification at their desired destination. In this sample, 94 percent were men, and 77 percent of respondents were single. Two-thirds (66%) of the migrants passing through North Macedonia are between the ages of 18 and 29, according to the IOM quarterly report published today.

Most migrants (96%) entered North Macedonia from Greece, and 58% stated that it was easier for them to cross the border, with an average price of 1.600 euros per entry.

- In the second quarter of the year, the relief rates decreased by 16 percent, and the price of the border crossing increased by 400 euros. During the interviews, 75 percent of the respondents stated that they had been in the country for less than five days, the flow of migrants transiting through North Macedonia is quite fast. In the country, all respondents stated that they walk, and 57 percent were also transported by private vehicles. Thirty percent were living in transit reception centers, a decrease of 24 percent compared to the first quarter, and 8 percent were sleeping outside or in abandoned buildings, the IOM report highlighted.

Research collected in the Republic of Serbia shows that 89 percent of the respondents stated that they were not registered with the authorities while transiting through North Macedonia.

The IOM report based on interviews with migrants on Macedonian territory placed in reception centers, shows that they were able to endure considerable stress and difficulties, and also highlighted several risks they faced during the journey to the desired European destinations, transiting through Macedonia. When they found themselves in Macedonian territory, they mainly needed food, water, medical assistance, as well as laundromats to maintain hygiene.

- In the second quarter, they needed food, water and increased washing facilities, mainly due to the increase in extreme temperatures, which contributes to dehydration and various hygienic problems. On the other hand, due to the warmer weather, the need for shelter has decreased, which allows them to transit through the country more quickly and avoid the authorities - the report states.

Migrants listed Germany, Italy, France, Greece and the Netherlands as their top five European destinations. According to the report, they choose these countries based on the attractive socio-economic conditions the country offers, as well as connecting with family, friends and fellow citizens who share the same culture, language and religion. Asylum procedures and security are also very important factors for migrants.

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