Recipe for a delicious lean lunch: Potatoes with spinach

Photo: Sergii Koval / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

We present to you a dish perfect for the fasting period - potatoes with spinach.

Ingredients needed:

– one to two kilos of potatoes

- 200 grams of young spinach (can be regular)

- one carrot

- a bunch of spring onions

- a bunch of spring onions

- salt and pepper

- two tablespoons of polenta

- oil

– a little ground red pepper


Clean the spinach, wash it and boil it for a minute or two, then drain it and chop it finely. Chop the onion and fry it and add the carrot slices, then add the chopped spinach.

Mix it up. Add a spoonful of polenta and a little water. Grease the pan and add the spinach and spread it out. Salt the cleaned potatoes and add some spices, oil, pepper and some allspice and finally a spoonful of polenta. Mix, then arrange the potatoes on top of the spinach.

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