
Judge from Veles dismissed and owners of a pharmacy chain accused of counterfeiting

The Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Kavadarci filed an indictment against a judge from the Basic Court in Veles, two spouses - owners of a pharmacy chain and the legal entity, who are accused of forging an official document and using a document with false content.

The judge, who was dismissed from her judicial position during the proceedings, is charged with forgery of an official document as a continuing crime, while the manager of the pharmacy chain and her husband are charged with inciting the commission of the crime and using documents with false content.

The first defendant, acting in a case in which the other defendants are plaintiffs, issued a judgment by which she accepted their claim and established their right to ownership of the business premises and land under the building. Although the judgment was not legally binding and enforceable, and the defendants filed appeals in a timely manner, the judge, instigated by the co-defendants, certified it with an official seal for legal validity and enforceability, thereby knowingly entering false information into the official document. She gave such an official document with false content to the manager of the legal entity, instead of through court service.

Additionally, as a judge in a non-contentious procedure, the defendant, outside the AKMIS electronic case management system in the Court, drafted a decision by which she adopted the proposal for interim measures to secure a non-monetary claim for the same applicants, which enabled them to enter a note in the public books on the subject property with a prohibition on alienation and encumbrance. She then decided that the interim measure should be immediately enforceable and a copy should be immediately submitted to the Real Estate Cadastre Agency - Real Estate Cadastre Department Veles. The decision was untrue in terms of the data on the allegedly held hearing, and the document, contrary to the court rules of procedure, was submitted only to the proposer.

With a separate decision, she ordered the opposing party to reimburse the litigants' litigation costs in the amount of 1.124.308 denars, again immediately granting the document legal force and enforceability, even though she knew that the legal conditions for withdrawing the interim measure had been met, which would have made the litigants bear the costs. She also did not deliver this decision to the other parties in the procedure, but only to the litigants, thus preventing them from using a legal remedy - an appeal.

In order to conceal all the illegal actions in the cases, the accused judge knowingly destroyed official documents – return receipts and did not merge all documents into the case files.

The accused owners used such documents with false content before the Real Estate Cadastre Agency to make changes to the property records in favor of the accused legal entity. By falsely presenting facts from the court proceedings, they caused significant property damage to the opposing party, and obtained significant property benefits for themselves. They collected the litigation costs for the procedure through a bailiff, although they knew that their request for enforcement was based on a document with false content.

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