Putin: Most American and European companies still operate in the Russian market

Russian President Vladimir Putin/EPA-EFE

Russian authorities have not excluded Western companies from the country and most American and European companies are still operating in the Russian market, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Russia Calls investment forum.

"We have not kicked anyone out of our market," Putin said, adding that "despite political pressure, many partners, including those from Western Europe and the United States, have remained on the Russian market," reports TASS.

He stated that approximately half of those companies continue to operate under the previous regime, some have transferred management to individuals and companies subordinate to them, a quarter have left Russia and indicated that some companies are announcing their withdrawal from the Russian economy.

Putin assessed that the problems faced by the economies in Europe are mainly the result of the break with Russia, especially due to the cancellation of Russian energy supplies, which they had at "reasonable prices".

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