Partly cloudy with local torrential rain in western parts
A strong northerly wind will blow in Povardaria.
The weather today will be changeable cloudy with local occurrence of torrential rain and thunder, mostly in the western parts. A strong northerly wind will blow due to Povardarieto. The minimum temperature will range from 13 to 22, and the maximum will be between 27 and 37 degrees Celsius. The UV index will be 8.
In Skopje, it will be sunny and warm with low to moderate clouds with a wind from the north. The minimum temperature will be 18, and the maximum will reach 35 degrees Celsius.
According to announcements from the Administration for Hydrometeorological Affairs (UHMR), from Monday, sunny and warm weather will prevail with a weak to moderate northerly wind, more pronounced along Povardarieta. In the mountainous areas, there will be conditions for the isolated occurrence of short-term rain and rare thunderstorms.