Elderly fraud reports - They were lied to that family members had a fatal accident

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Yesterday, two cases of fraud against elderly persons were reported to SVR Skopje. A 75-year-old woman and an 84-year-old man reported being told by phone that close family members had been involved in fatal accidents and that a certain amount of money needed to be paid. They paid the required amount of money, after which they suspected that it was a fraud and reported the cases.

Yesterday, at SVR Skopje, a 75-year-old woman from Skopje reported that she was defrauded by a person. According to the complainant, the person contacted her by phone and told her that her daughter had a fatal traffic accident and that she needed to pay a certain amount for her daughter to be released, after which the complainant left the money and personal jewelry at a location she had previously been to. spoken over the phone.

At 15.00:84 p.m., also at SVR Skopje, an XNUMX-year-old man from Skopje reported that he and his wife were defrauded by one person. According to the report, the person contacted the complainant by phone and told him that his niece had a traffic accident with fatal consequences and that they should meet to pay a certain amount for his niece to be released. After giving the money, the complainants realized that they had been cheated.

Measures are being taken to clear up both cases.

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