20-day-old twins die of frostbite and malnutrition in Prilep

Yesterday, twins from the village of Slavej, Prilep, who were only 20 days old, died of frostbite and malnutrition. The director of the Prilep hospital, Dr. Kire Jonoski, told "Sloboden Pechat" that one of the twins was pronounced dead after being brought in by ambulance, and the other, despite resuscitation, could not be saved.

-Yesterday, the ambulance went to the scene in the village of Slavej. The two newborns were malnourished, frozen, I was present when the anesthesiologist and pediatrician performed resuscitation. One child had minimal signs of life but resuscitation was unsuccessful, and the other was immediately pronounced dead, Dr. Jonoski told "Sloboden Pechat".

He added that the two babies were born in a hospital, not at home.

The parents lived in extremely difficult conditions in the village of Slavej, they had other children and, according to unconfirmed information, their parental rights over the other children they have will be revoked.

A press conference is scheduled for 12:XNUMX at the Center for Social Affairs in Prilep. No one answers the phone numbers left for contact on the Center's website, meaning that they are "temporarily disconnected." "Sloboden Pechat" sent questions by email to the Center about whether the family had previously contacted them for help and whether the parents' parental rights had been revoked. We will publish the answers if we receive them.

In the meantime, the public prosecutor ordered an autopsy to determine the causes of death.

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