Prime Minister, are the congressmen who invited you here, with us, in this room?
Mickoski also said that the entire event was organized by American congressmen. Wait, wait, didn't Donald Trump invite the prime minister? I mean, that's what it said at the beginning? And who are those congressmen? Where are they from? Aren't they here, with us, in this room? No, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we have a selfie with Tucker Carlson and the one from the Republican Party, what was his name?
It is really difficult to draw a conclusion from the information we have about whether Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, along with other Macedonian officials, was in the United States on an official or private basis?
The information is sparse and the facts unclear. But I suggest we do a forensic-chronological analysis in order to shed some light on the situation.
So, first of all, the public media first published the information that came from the Prime Minister's office, that at the invitation of Donald Trump, Mickoski would travel to the United States for his inauguration. Suddenly, a merciless battle began on the portals in Macedonia for the most creative "clickbait" headlines possible, announcing the "huge diplomatic victory of the otherwise small country", which is "led by the Prime Minister who is the only one from the region who will attend the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States". A real "seventh heaven" for our diplomacy, especially since side by side with Mickoski, Minister of Foreign Affairs Timcho Mucunski and Deputy Prime Minister Medziti, and separately the Speaker of the Parliament Afrim Gashi. In those moments of euphoria, no one asked if the two of them had been invited by Trump personally, and some thought that the invitation for Mickoski was so unequivocally strong that he could bring his friends with him. Maybe he could.
Then photos from the US started to appear on Facebook. Testimonies about "dozens of meetings with people from President Trump's inner circle", then "meetings with our Macedonian diaspora". This is where a new level of panic begins in Macedonian journalism, in an attempt to decipher who the people from "Trump's inner circle" actually are? What's the deal? Does anyone know them? Do these people have a Facebook page? This one looks like Musk to me, no, it's not Musk, it's Rubio? Isn't it a woman?
But everything was forgotten when a joint photo of our prime minister with the famous journalist Tucker Carlson appeared. Hey, we all know Carlson from his interview with Vladimir Putin. Well, he is a real star! His interviews on Twitter are watched by 100 million people. And will Carlson do an interview with Mickoski? Yes? No, ah, he will not do an interview. It doesn't matter, it doesn't even matter. What matters is that he took a selfie with him.
That's not all, there was also the photo gallery with which the Prime Minister testified that "in the company of Michael Whatley, the chairman of the Republican Party, he is following the inaugural activities of US President Donald J. Trump from the VIP box". Well, at this point I have to admit that the worm has started to eat me. Why? Well, the Prime Minister did not say inauguration, but inaugural activities. It's the same, but it's not the same. And the worm became a snake when I learned that at the inauguration ceremony held on Capitol Hill, the only foreign politicians were Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Argentine President Milley, as well as the vice president of China. It's true that there was no one from the region, but Mickoski did not attend the inauguration either. In vain, not even the selfie of the Prime Minister's tired face, taken at Magnolia Bakery in New York, could heal the wounds of my soul.
I also watched the interview he gave for the public service, when he said that due to the change in the manner of the inauguration, caused by weather conditions, the event was divided into several parts. He didn't say, but I thought that Trump chose Maloney at the last minute before Mickoski was in the hall with him, for reasons that are not appropriate to share publicly.
Mickoski also said that the entire event was organized by American congressmen. Wait, wait, didn't Donald Trump invite the prime minister? I mean, that's what it said at the beginning? And who are those congressmen? Where are they from? Aren't they here, with us, in this room? No, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we have a selfie with Tucker Carlson and the one from the Republican Party, what was his name?
But we shouldn't be so strict with the prime minister, because he has a better one. According to the photos released by Afrim Gashi's cabinet, as speaker of the parliament, he met in Washington only with Arben Taravari, the current Minister of Health in Macedonia.