An 18-year-old Turkish man was run over in Shtip, the driver escaped

Police tape / Photo: "Sloboden Pechat" / Dragan Mitreski

An 18-year-old Turk was run over yesterday in Shtip, after which the driver fled the scene of the accident.

"Yesterday at 20.20:2 p.m. it was reported to SVR Shtip that at the intersection of "Pance Karagjozov" street and "Shirok Dol" street in Shtip, a "Citroen C18" passenger vehicle with Shtip registration plates hit the pedestrian J.E.K. (44) from the Republic of Turkey, with a temporary stay in Shtip, after which the driver left the place. The pedestrian sustained serious injuries in the accident, which were confirmed at the Shtip Clinical Hospital. "After taking measures and activities, police officers found the driver S.O. (XNUMX) from Shtip and his passenger vehicle, and after fully documenting the case, an appropriate submission will follow," informs the Ministry of the Interior.

An inspection was carried out by an inspection team from SVR Shtip.

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