Wildfires in California have forced 20.000 people to flee their homes

photo: EPA-EFE

Firefighters are still battling massive wildfires in Southern California that have forced more than 20.000 people from their homes.

photo: EPA-EFE

The fire that broke out on Monday quickly spread to 15 square kilometers due to strong winds. More than 1.500 firefighters are battling to contain it, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

photo: EPA-EFE

Although the weather was expected to improve and the winds to subside, forecasters said that strong winds will continue today, especially in the mountains, and fire conditions are still critical.

photo: EPA-EFE

Much of the destruction occurred in Malibu, a community of about 10.000 people on the western edge of Los Angeles. The flames burned near the homes of celebrities and Pepperdine University, where about 3.000 students were evacuated.

photo: EPA-EFE

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