Recaptured State
The despotic pressure on the Judicial Council and the resignation of President Vesna Dameva are glaring proof that VMRO-DPMNE cannot function without establishing a regime.
Slowly, frighteningly slowly, but nevertheless, the realization is growing in Macedonia that delaying and questioning the negotiations with the EU is a betrayal of the most important state interests. More and more public figures, free-thinking people, journalists, although still a minority, are warning louder, more courageously and with arguments about the catastrophic consequences, if the self-blockade of Macedonian European integration that was set by Prime Minister Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE continues.
They committed that crime not only as the opposition, but continued as an absolute power with control of, as they say, a two-thirds majority in the Parliament, the President of the State, the government and a large majority of the municipalities, with strong pressure for the partisanship of the entire justice system and all state institutions and companies.
A recapture of the state is underway
The last case is the scandal with the resignation of the president of the Judicial Council, Vesna Dameva. With the public haranguing of the Judicial Council and President Dameva, another despotic pressure was exerted on this key institution of the justice system, whose independence should be a sacred rule. The harsh public threats to the government and to Prime Minister Mickoski personally, from government officials, to persons from the top of the VMRO-DPMNE party, starting from the first day after the conquest of power, towards the institutions of justice, is taking place almost without interruption, which clearly shows that the attempts to fear mongering is part of the government's strategy.
Vesna Dameva submitted her irrevocable resignation in a public address with respectable courage. He announced to the frightened and deluded public that he was resigning to protect his family, himself and his reputation. What happened to the president of the Judicial Council in Macedonia has been going on for days in all state institutions and public companies. Thousands of people unscrupulously change their jobs where party cadres come. We are not talking about the usual post-election changes at all, but about classic party purges. Very soon in Macedonia there will be direct trials for political opponents, much more dangerous than the notebooks for ordered judgments from the time of Nikola Gruevski.
Prime Minister Mickoski openly says that he will appoint "his" people in the judiciary and prosecutor's offices. Which is glaring evidence that VMRO-DPMNE cannot function if it does not introduce a regime.
Prime Minister Mickoski's red lines
Despite this power, Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE still cannot swallow the big lies and delusions that brought them to power, so now they are playing "Russian roulette" with national and state strategic interests, more precisely with the future of Macedonia.
I hear rumours, with disbelief, that at the top of the revolutionary party they are delighted with the decision of the Georgian government to postpone negotiations with the EU until 2028. After which the USA expressly announced the termination of the strategic partnership with Georgia. I, on the other hand, am thrilled by the hundreds of thousands of Georgians who came out to demonstrate against this decision. Of course, this is not possible in our country because of the poisoned public with lies and manipulations. Even if such a thing happened, it would immediately be qualified as an attempt to destabilize the state.
And at the last public appearance of Prime Minister Mickoski, in connection with our negotiations with the EU, only the date until which the blockade will last was not determined, so that it should be the same as Georgia. Will we block ourselves until the end of 2025, until the local elections, until 2026, until the early parliamentary elections, until something more than absolute power is won, or until the collapse of the state and we will be silent witnesses to another destruction of the future of the state?
How else to interpret the "heroic" words and messages of Prime Minister Mickoski when he says: "There is nothing more to do than this. We as a government cannot do more than this. And we won't. That's it. That is our red line. If someone there in Brussels decided to be hostage to politicians from the Middle Ages, who come from some of the member states of the EU itself, if someone wants to be hostage to bilateralization, we understand. That's it. Let them leave us to solve our homework..."
What can be said to such heroism, dignity and pride, except for a well done premiere. Just keep going. The captives of the medieval neighborhood politicians stuck in Brussels think that we are um shot, um bode, balafurdia who do not know what they want. They have no idea how strong we are and how strong our patriotism and stubbornness is. Let them think now what they will do without Macedonia, to what pains and sufferings they will be exposed to without our membership in the EU.
The greatest fear of a democratic society
And now imagine that "Babylonian orospia" tells us ok, we accept. Complete your homework as planned and call us when you are done. That's it. "Nothing more and nothing less" with a disgusting "diction" that the president of our country does not like. It was not European and democratic.
Wait a minute, what was the homework? Does the prime minister know, or someone in VMRO-DPMNE and their coalition partners? Do they think that these are the reforms required not only by the EU, but also by all our relevant political parties and governments, parliamentary assemblies and institutions of the state from the day of independence until now, including VMRO-DPMNE, even if declaratively. Can we solve those tasks if we are left to do it on our own, as our brave Prime Minister demands. Of course we can, as much as we have succeeded in doing so in the past 33 years from independence to today.
The only obstacle was that during that entire period they gave us financial assistance. Now we can remove that obstacle too and get the job done seamlessly. We do not need their money, nor any support from the captives of medieval politicians who do not give us any guarantees. This is how the sovereignty and independence of the state is defended, to be our own, even if they "ate their roots". Older people probably remember how strongly it was said "if necessary we will eat roots" before the bloody and tragic breakup of Yugoslavia. That happened to the captives of geography and history, they also ate roots and lost the state.
As Prime Minister Mickoski says, it is not a problem to pass the constitutional amendments and for the Bulgarians to enter the Croats, Montenegrins, Jews and Egyptians together with other parts of the peoples in the Constitution of Macedonia. He asks for guarantees, even though he knows there are no guarantees. The success of dealing with the reforms is a guarantee. So, what is Prime Minister Mickoski afraid of?
First, the big fear is about the reforms. If the political competition in Macedonia begins to be evaluated according to the success in implementing difficult reforms that mean big changes in all areas and membership in the EU, VMRO-DPMNE falls like a ripe pear. And not only VMRO-DPMNE, but very probably several more governments of any parties and coalitions. But the biggest fear of Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE is the further democratization of Macedonian society. In that case, it will not be possible to continue inventing enemies and traitors. And, even if they are invented, it will no longer go to the public. In the case of a true democratic society, the existence of a revolutionary party becomes pointless.
(The author is a journalist and publicist)