The valves of "Givato" have been stopped again, the Dojran Lake is not being filled

In order for the "Gjavato" Hydrosystem to function and to meet the water needs for the Dojran Lake, it needs to be restored, reconstructed and rehabilitated, in accordance with the revised basic project for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the "Gjavato" HS, which will determine the exact financial funds for its return to use, it is said, among other things, in the opinion given by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning that was requested by the Municipality of Dojran.

The document states that at the moment only three submersible pumps out of a total of ten are technically correct and they provide a water supply of 200 to 300 liters per second.

- With the operation of two or three submersible pumps, i.e. 200 to 300 liters per second, it will not be possible to achieve the effect of increasing the water level in the Lake, says the opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

It is added that during the inspection it was established that there is major damage to the pipeline, as well as damage to the joint of the pipes, due to which water losses would be expected when the system is put into operation.

According to the calculation, with the inclusion of three pumps per month for consumed electricity, the line ministry should pay about 258 thousand euros.

In the opinion, there is also information that the budget for 2025 does not include funds for the hydro system, but after the technical documentation is prepared, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning will inform the Government about the status and financial resources for putting the "Givato" back into use. .

According to the mayor of Dojran, Ango Angov, the hydro system for filling the Lake is not working, but there is an urgent need for the reconstruction and commissioning of "Gjavato".

- With the received Opinion from the line ministry, our fears that the hydro system will not work and that its reconstruction and rehabilitation are needed have been proven. On the 9th of last month, the line minister announced that the system was being put into use again, but it didn't turn out that way, it was just for painting. Our goal is for the system to fully work and be in operation, said Angov.

By the way, more than a month ago, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Izet Mejiti, and the Member of Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mile Cekov, after a three-year standstill, re-launched the Hydrosystem "Saving the Dojran Lake" with which of the wells in Gjavato, Bogdanese, supplies water to the Dojran Lake.

According to today's measurements of the HMRC, the level of the Dojran Lake is 69 centimeters below the burned minimum.

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