The shocking life story of the ABBA singer: Born as a result of a Nazi experiment, stamped with a swastika

Various monstrous ideas were born during the dark ages of World War II. Among other things, the Lebensborn project was founded in 1935, which was a kind of "incubator" of new races of tall, strong, blond and blue-eyed people.

Heinrich Himmler founded the association "Lebensborn" in order to flood the world with the Aryan race in a few years. One of Lebensborn's babies is also Frieda Lingstad.

The children came from all over Europe - from Germany, Norway, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and were to represent the "best examples of the newly created race" and receive the "best possible upbringing". In this project, Frida Lingstad or Annie-Fried, the singer of the cult group "ABBA", was born, who was born as a child from the relationship between the 19-year-old beautiful Norwegian Blue and the married German officer Alfred Haase. It was later revealed that this was a brief affair, and the German seduced Sini by giving her a few potatoes - this food was literally a luxury at the time.

Фото: Wikimedia Commons

Predictably, after the collapse of Germany and the fall of Hitler, things got complicated for anything and everything to do with Nazism, and Frieda and her mother were branded as traitors and subjected to terrible rejection and abuse from society. Frida was exposed to terrible pressures. When Frida was still a child, a fisherman from the local village carved a swastika on her skin with a knife, which she painstakingly removed in the following years.

Blue, paralyzed by fear, emigrated with her mother and two-year-old Frida to Sweden, but soon after arriving there, she died and the singer was raised by her grandmother. Frieda was deeply traumatized by her own origins. Interestingly, she met her father in 1977. However, it was a short-lived calm, for three decades Frieda dealt with the fact that she was a child of the accredited Lebensborn project, and the forgiveness of her father, whom she did not know, was beyond the scope of her emotional abilities.

"How to return to me all that has passed." I cried for hours afterwards. Maybe it would be different if I was a kid. It's hard when you become a father and you're 32 years old. I can't relate to him and love him the way I would have if I had grown up with him," Frida said shortly after this meeting and soon cut off all contact with her father, noting that "she prefers to spend time with people with who has no contact".

Music group "ABBA" / Photo: ČTK / Profimedia

The plight of Frida, who for decades had been desperate for her own descent, was less than that of any other child born of the crazy idea of ​​racial superiority, with between 10.000 and 12.000.

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