The former director of ESM Stefanov arrested at "Tabanovce", today taken to the Criminal Court

Stefanov (right) and his predecessor in the directorship, Vasko Kovacevski, who is currently unavailable to the law enforcement authorities / Photo: Facebook

The former director of AD ESM, Vasko Stefanov, who is one of the suspects in the action of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office for Prosecution of Organized Crime and Corruption (OJO GOKK), was detained at the border crossing "Tabanovce" last night.

According to the media, he was taken to the Criminal Court in Skopje.

Among the suspects is the former director of ESM and REC "Bitola" Vasko Kovachevski. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced that he is out of the country, but that he expects to be secured during the day.

Ex-directors of REC Bitola Pece Matevski and Negotino TPP, Nebojsa Stojanovic, are suspected of abuse of public procurement with additives intended for the needs of REK Bitola and TPP "Oslomej", but also at TPP "Negotino". According to the Prime Minister's statement, the damage caused is estimated at 6,5 million euros.

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