Police helicopters dropped over 105 tons of water on the fires near Semeniste, Jasen and Svetinikolosko

Photo: MIA

The helicopters of the Department of Aviation Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs threw over 105 tons of water on the fires near the villages of Semeniste, Jasen and Svetinikolosko.

- The Mi-171 helicopter operated in the area of ​​St. Nikole-Probishtip and Jasen, and the Bel-412 helicopter operated in the area of ​​Saraj, near the village of Semenishte - the Ministry of Interior announced.

Photo: MIA

The fire near the village of Patetino, Sveti Nikole was reactivated this afternoon, after it was announced that it was completely extinguished last night around midnight.

The director of CMC, Stojanche Angelov, who called the fire a "monster", praised the sacrifice of the firefighters from Sveti Nikole and selfless support of one of the best Macedonian firefighters - the Veles firefighters, as well as several local volunteers under the command of the brave commander of TPPE Sveti Nikole.

VIDEO: The fire at the village of Patetino in Sveti Nikole has been reactivated

Nine fires are active, extinguishing the fire in the Osogovo mountains is difficult


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