Bigger retirements from the Second Pillar will be in 20 years!

pensioners, pension
Pensioners, Photo: Free Press / Dragan Mitreski

In addition to unloading the state Fund for PIOM, there are expectations that more pensions will begin to be paid jointly, from the state and from the private pension fund, where the future pensioner is a member. But that will have to wait…

Should there be an extension of the retirement period? – is a topic that occupies our public these days. In addition to unloading the state Fund for PIOM, there are expectations that more pensions will begin to be paid jointly, from the state and from the private pension fund, where the future pensioner is a member.

But as Darko Sazdov, a member of the Council of Experts of the Capital Financial Pension Insurance Supervision Agency, says in the show "Sloboden Pechat", the larger retirements from the Second Pillar will be in 20 years.

- Now we are in a period of accumulation of capital funded pension insurance funds. The period of deaccumulation, when larger amounts will begin to be paid out, is upon us. We are still in the comfort stage, the average member in our funded pension system is somewhere between 37 and 40 years of age. Well, in accordance with the current legislation on retirement at 62, i.e. at 64, we have a period of another 20 years where those funds can be invested and fertilized in a significant amount, in the interest of the members of capital funded pension insurance - explained Sazdov.

VIDEO INTERVIEW| Darko Sazdov, MAPAS: Check your pension accounts regularly, so there will be no "surprises"

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