Prof. died. Dr. Maria Hristova

Prof. died yesterday. Dr. Marija Hristova, doyen of Macedonian pediatrics.

- With immense sadness and broken hearts, we inform you that on November 29.11.2024, XNUMX, Prof. Dr. Maria Hristova left this world. He was one of the doyens of Macedonian pediatrics, who devoted his entire life to the treatment and health of the youngest and most vulnerable. She left a void that will never be filled, but the memories of her life and love will remain with us forever. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Sunday) on 01.12.2024 at the Butel city cemetery. A condolence service will be held in the chapel from 12:30 to 13:30 p.m., her daughter, Tatjana Gurzhanova, a specialist obstetrician, gynecologist and IVF specialist, announced.

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