University Children's Clinic / Photo: Free Press / Dragan Mitreski

A 9-year-old child died at the Children's Clinic

A nine-year-old boy hospitalized with cardiac arrest and poor vital parameters died at the Children's Clinic two days ago, a source from the hospital confirmed to "Sloboden Pechat".

An unsuccessful resuscitation attempt was made, and it is suspected that the cause of the child's poor condition was an intestinal infection.

The Stip hospital says that the child was brought to the Department of Pediatrics on January 14 at 18 p.m., in serious general condition and with impaired consciousness. Biochemical tests and a computer tomography of the head were immediately performed, and due to the serious condition, the child was transported with medical assistance at 19 p.m. the same day to the Clinic for Pediatrics at the Skopje Clinical Center.

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