After two and a half years since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the American F-16 planes have arrived, they will be operated by Ukrainian pilots

F-16 fighter jet / Photo: EPA-EFE/GRZEGORZ MICHALOWSKI

Ukrainian Air Force pilots have begun operating F-16 fighter jets on operations in the country, President Volodymyr Zelensky said, confirming the long-awaited arrival of US jets, nearly two and a half years after the start of the Russian invasion.

Zelensky announced the delivery of the fighter jets at a meeting with Air Force pilots at a military base, standing between two received fighters, while two more flew overhead.

– F-16 are in Ukraine. I am proud of our guys who mastered these fighters and have already started using them for our country, said Zelenski.

"Now this is a reality, a reality in our sky," the Ukrainian president added at a ceremony in an undisclosed location.

Zelensky did not reveal how many planes Ukraine has received, noting that the number is "insufficient" and that the country expects "additional" deliveries.

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