Five tricks for easy peeling of roasted peppers

Peppers / Photo: Profimedia

Are you planning to make a winter house and are already preparing for ajvar, but are you dreading the moment when you have to peel roasted peppers? Don't worry, we bring you some tricks that will help you do it quickly and easily, writes "Diary".

Whether you need roasted peppers for ajvar or simply want to enjoy them with a roasted pepper salad, peeling them certainly makes preparation difficult.

Read on for five tricks to help you peel roasted peppers.

Aluminum foil trick

You can use this trick if you prepare peppers by roasting them in the oven after they are cleaned and cut.

Before baking, cover the top of the dish or pan well with aluminum foil. Tighten the edges tightly so that no air can enter the container. When the peppers are ready, do not remove them from the container and do not remove the foil, but leave the hot peppers covered for 20 minutes. The steam that you have "trapped" under the foil will separate the skin from the flesh of the pepper and it will be easier to peel.

Trick with the bowl

If you are roasting peppers in the oven and happen to have no foil, immediately after baking, carefully push the hot peppers into a "pile", cover them with a large bowl and let them cool. You will get the same vaporization effect as when using aluminum foil.

Toothpick trick

Sometimes the skin of the pepper takes very little to separate, but using sharp kitchen objects like a knife usually destroys the rest of the pepper.

In this situation, a toothpick that is strong enough to do the job, yet thin and small enough, is the best help.

Carefully place the toothpick under the skin and gently pull it towards the ends of the pepper and finally use your fingers to separate the free skin.

Paper towel trick

You can roast the peppers whole, on a traditional grill or on a gas stove.

Immediately after roasting, wrap the hot pepper in a kitchen paper towel and let the pepper cool in it. After cooling, just gently peel the skin off the pepper with paper.

Do not use other paper, such as toilet paper, as it is not strong enough, the steam generated during cooling will make it very wet, and you may soon see paper residue on your peppers.

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