Five recipes for the most beautiful lean cakes: They are easy and quick to make, and they are so delicious that no one can resist them

Photo: Instagram

On February 27, Orthodox believers began the great and strictest fast that will last until Easter - April 15.

Easter is slowly approaching, and if you have started thinking about which cakes you could make, below we present you 5 recipes for the most delicious lean cakes.

1. Figaro wafers


– 100 grams of prunes

– 100 grams of figs

– 100 grams of dates

- 100 grams of raisins

- 100 grams of walnuts

– 100 grams of roasted hazelnuts

- 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar

- 2 tablespoons of honey

- juice of 1 lemon

– 2 small wafers

- 100 grams of chocolate

– 30 grams of ground roasted hazelnuts for sprinkling


Cut the dates, figs and plums into thin slices, mix them with coarsely chopped walnuts and crushed roasted hazelnuts, raisins and lemon juice. Add powdered sugar and honey and mix well. Place the mixture between the wafers and press down with a heavier object. The next day, cover with chocolate and sprinkle with ground roasted hazelnuts, then when it hardens, cut into bars.

2. Bayadera


– 300 grams of ground lean biscuits

- 200 grams of crushed walnuts

- 250 grams of sugar

- 1 vanilla sugar

- 10 tablespoons of water

– 200 grams of lean margarine

– 150 grams of lean chocolate for cooking

For glaze:

- 3 tablespoons sugar

- 3 tablespoons of water

- 3 tablespoons oil

– 100 grams of lean chocolate for cooking


Pour sugar, water and vanilla sugar into a saucepan, then boil until it boils. Remove the mixture from the heat, add the margarine and stir until the margarine melts. Then add the ground biscuits and ground nuts, then mix everything well. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts. Leave one part yellow, and add the melted chocolate to the other.

In a rectangular tray, first pour the part with the chocolate, and then the second part of the mixture. Leave in the fridge. Make the glaze only when the cake has completely set. Pour oil, water, sugar, margarine and cooking chocolate into a saucepan, then mix on the hotplate until all the ingredients are combined. While the glaze is hot, pour it over the cake and let it cool. Then cut the bayadera into cubes or sticks and serve.

3. Sesame balls


- 125 grams of margarine

- 4 tablespoons of honey

- 4 tablespoons sugar

- 100 grams of chocolate

- 100 grams of crushed biscuits

- 100 grams of crushed walnuts

- 200 grams of sesame


Fry the sesame briefly on a dry pan. Separately, in another pot, combine the honey, margarine, crushed chocolate and sugar, then heat at a moderate temperature until a uniform mixture is obtained. Then, remove from the hotplate, add the fried sesame, crushed biscuits and walnuts and mix well. Make balls from the prepared mixture (or form salami and leave it in the refrigerator to harden, then cut it into pieces).

4. Choco pink triangles


– half a package of pink cake crust

- 200 grams of sugar

- 125 grams of margarine

- 2 tablespoons cocoa

– 100 grams of crushed biscuits + 30 grams for sprinkling

- 100 grams of chocolate


Mix the sugar with 1 deciliter of water, then remove it from the stove and add the margarine cut into pieces, stirring constantly to melt the margarine. Then, add the cocoa, 50 grams of chocolate and the crushed biscuits, then mix well. Cut the rose bark in half widthwise (reserve the other half for another type of cake), then fill the barks with warm filling. Spread it with filling and the top crust, then cover it with 50 grams of melted chocolate and sprinkle with crushed biscuits. Allow to set and cool, then cut into triangles.

5. Caramel cubes


– half a pink cake crust

- 125 grams of margarine

- 200 grams of sugar

– 1 caramel pudding

– 400 milliliters of soy milk

– 150 grams of ground roasted hazelnuts + 50 grams for sprinkling


Caramelize the sugar over low heat, then pour in 300 milliliters of soy milk and stir until it boils and the caramel melts. Mix the caramel pudding into the remaining milk, then add it to the boiling milk and stir until it thickens. Then, add the margarine cut into strips and the ground roasted hazelnuts, mix until the mass is smooth, and then fill the crust with a warm film. Peel off the top crust, then sprinkle it with ground roasted hazelnuts and let it cool and harden. Cut the cake into cubes.


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