Invitation to the promotion of the magazine at the House of Culture "Kocho Racin"

Fifty years of hip-hop will be marked with the promotion of the international scientific journal "Balkan Hip-Hop Studies"

In the House of Culture "Kocho Racin" in Skopje on December 6, starting at 18 pm, the first two issues of the international scientific magazine "Balkan Hip-Hop Studies" will be promoted. It has published and continues to publish contributions that can refer to music, cultural studies, linguistics, literature, art, dance, history, sociolinguistics, sociology, philosophy, performative arts, pedagogy, etc.

The inclusion of all these scholarly fields is in order to present hip-hop, slam, African American and urban culture from different aspects and points of view.

The magazine is the fruit of the long-term activities of the organization "Hip-Hop Macedonia" for the promotion, affirmation and advancement of hip-hop and urban culture, and it appears on the occasion of celebrating 50 years since the emergence of hip-hop.

The editor-in-chief Slavcho Koviloski and the editors Juliana Papazova, Elena Prendzova and Aleksandar Koviloski, who will also be the promoters of the magazine, make up the editorial staff.

This magazine is the first and for the time being the only one of its kind in Macedonia and the Balkans and eminent professors from the Universities of Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Sofia, Kragujevac, Rijeka and Bratislava take part in it: Mojca Krevel, Gergor Pompe, Srebranka Mackovic, Vencislav Dimov, Jelena Arsenijević Mitrić, Tatjana Vukelic and Zvonko Taneski, as well as the Macedonian professors Antoanela Petkovska and Risto Solunchev from the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.

More well-known Macedonian hip-hop musicians appear as external collaborators: DJ Gotse (SAF), Tony Zen, Katsar and DJ Bugimen, as well as Stefan Markovski and Biljana Milovanović Živak. The authors of the texts in both issues are the members of the editorial staff, then Suzi Teneva, Dejan Metodijeski, Tatjana Vukelic, Vangel Nonevski, Risto Solunchev and Violeta Damcheska. The magazine can be found in print and online at

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