A patient from Tetovo should return the money for someone else's care, because the doctor who gave him a consular appointment is his wife?!
On March 29, 2022, a seemingly usual committee met in the Tetovo Clinical Hospital to give consular opinions for patients. On the agenda was the request to provide a finding and consular opinion from several specialist doctors, for a patient to receive money from the Center for Social Affairs for help and care from another person.
But in the committee there was an ophthalmologist doctor who knew the patient well because she was his wife.
The criminal court in Tetovo recently convicted her of negligent work in the service after she pleaded guilty. The reason is that she, as part of a committee, gave an opinion and finding that her married husband has the right to compensation for care from another person in the monthly amount of 4.711 denars and that on a larger scale, for a duration of two years, so that the Center for social affairs "caused him damage of 119 thousand denars".
However, a person with a severe or profound intellectual disability, a person with a more severe or the most severe physical disability, a person who is completely blind and a person with permanent changes in their health condition, due to which they cannot satisfy themselves, have a need for help and care from another person on a larger scale. the basic activities of everyday life, he cannot even with the help of orthopedic aids move independently in the apartment or outside the apartment, feed himself, dress himself, maintain personal hygiene, nor perform the basic physiological needs. Therefore, it is not clear from the verdict, nor is it determined how the patient who received the finding for such care could live without the compensation that was given to him.
It is only clear from the judgment that the doctor should not be part of the Commission for bringing consular opinions because the patient was her husband. The doctor was sentenced to 6 months in prison, which will not be served if she does not commit a new crime within a year.
The center for social affairs, which paid the compensation for someone else's care based on this consular opinion, was referred by the court to a civil lawsuit. The representative of the Center for Social Affairs stated in the courtroom that he is asking for the money to be returned.
The accused I.V. after being instructed about her rights as a defendant in the proceedings, she stated that she understood the accusation in its entirety and was called to give a verdict on the crime she was charged with, she stated that she pleads guilty, personally as a doctor she does not know legal matters, but obviously that in her actions in the commission she made a mistake unintentionally, it is written in the verdict.
The Law on Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interest stipulates that the official in his work is obliged to pay attention to the potential conflict of interest and take measures to avoid it. When there is a doubt that there is a conflict of interest, the official is obliged to take all measures to prevent the influence of his private interest or the private interest of another person, on the performance of his powers and duties and to inform his superior about it. When the official learns about circumstances that indicate the existence of a conflict of interest or a potential conflict of interest, he is obliged to immediately request to be exempted and stop his actions.