This is the most perfect sex position! It's simple, and it guarantees an orgasm
The sex position It is considered perfect because it does not require much acrobatics, but provides a deeply intense intimate experience. It is ideal for days when you are tired and do not want to sweat too much during intimate moments.
What is the "sit-down policeman" pose?
This sexual position is simple to perform and promises intense enjoyment and pleasure without effort, preventing muscle strain or feeling like you've had a hard workout.
The basic principle of this pose is that the woman lies on her stomach with a pillow placed under her hips. The name "recumbent policeman" comes from the elevation, the lift that the woman's pelvis creates thanks to the pillow.
How is it performed?
The partner should lie on her stomach and place a pillow under her hips, while the partner penetrates from behind and holds onto her hips. The man places his legs between her body, and the height of the pillow helps stimulate the G-spot, which can significantly intensify pleasure and make it easier to reach orgasm.
This position is very similar to the "dog position" known as "doggy style", but it is still different because it allows partners to get closer to each other and exchange affection.
It is believed that with this sex position, the partner can hit the partner's G-spot much more easily.
Try several variations of this sex position and discover what suits you best.