This is the deadliest animal in the world: it has killed 52 billion people so far

Photo: Profimedia

The greatest threat to the human species has nothing to do with dangerous wild beasts. When you think of the deadliest animals in the world, you probably think of lions, tigers, bears and similar beasts.

But American Center for Disease Control and Prevention claims that the animal that poses the greatest threat to humans has nothing to do with dangerous wild beasts – mosquitoes they kill more people in the world than any other animal!

Although we don't think of them as dangerous, just annoying, the list of deadly diseases that mosquitoes can infect you with is quite long. Some of the best known are malaria, Zika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya fever and West Nile virus, which are transmitted by mosquito bites and kill millions of people every year.

"In the past 200.000 years, about 108 billion people lived on Earth. "Almost half, or about 52 billion, were killed by mosquitoes," says Timothy Weingard, author of "Mosquito: The Human History of the Deadliest Predator."

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