The burnt galley in Vardar is neither demolished nor repaired: What are you waiting for, for it to sail away on its own?

Abandoned galley/photo Sloboden Pechat/Slobodan Djuric

There is no answer from the City of Skopje as to what is planned with the ship "Sreća", whether the court proceedings have ended and what the verdict is, and how long the galley, which was set on fire twice, will remain in the river in such a catastrophic state.

It is not known if the City of Skopje has any plan regarding the galley in Vardar that has been abandoned, with torn sails, burned, full of garbage and has been marring the quay for a long time. From there, there is no answer as to whether the court proceedings for the galley unfortunately named "Sreja", which was burned twice and is now left in such a disastrous condition in the river, have ended. The question is whether the mayor Danela Arsovska and the competent departments in the City of Skopje even think about this ugliness.

But the people of Skopje, especially those who the road regularly leads to the quay near the Holiday Inn, cannot be surprised how this can be allowed and how no one bothers.

Every time I pass by the GTC, I can't believe that no one, absolutely no one, is committed to finding a solution to this "abomination" in the river. Well, let them remove it or let them restore it, so that it looks like something. It's a shame really, to leave this ruined, dirty, semi-ruined like this. What city would this be? - reacts Stojan V., whom we met on the quay.

Abandoned galley/photo Sloboden Pechat/Slobodan Djuric

More than three years ago, at the end of the term of the mayor Petre Shilegov and by his order, the removal of the ship began. The works began to be carried out by the teams of "Streets and Roads", and as it was reported, the reason for the demolition was that the owner of the ship was several months late in paying the rent in the amount of 1.000 euros per month.

But after it was "pompously" announced that the galley would be removed, the result was several removed boards, after which the matter ended in court after the manager Zarko Milenkovski and the Bulgarian investor - the company "Service emus" AD Skopje, claimed that they had no debt to the City of Skopje and they sought justice before the judicial authorities. Milenkovski claimed that more than 1,2 million euros have been invested in the ship, that the City has not invested anything, but also that it has no claims from them.

Many things happened in that year 2021 after the demolition decision was made until the holding of the local elections. There was also a chase of the workers when they tried again to continue with the demolition of the ship.

Then, Arsovska sat in the mayor's chair, who at the beginning of the mandate, when asked what will be done with the galley "Sreća" and with other buildings and monuments from the project "Skopje 2014", claimed that the galley will be demolished in accordance with the orders given from the previous mayor, but that she has no intention of demolishing anything else because that was hers election promise.

Photo: Free Press

The fourth year of Arsovska's mandate begins, and the galley is standing in Vardar, and the workers who are supposed to carry out the demolition have not appeared here for the same period. Not only is it not being demolished, but this building is no longer even mentioned as if it does not exist.

The galleys in Vardar were installed at the time when Koce Trajanovski was the mayor of Skopje, as part of the controversial "Skopje 2014" project.

In the meantime, a study on reducing the risk of floods was prepared, which was prepared by UNDP together with the City of Skopje and the Center for Crisis Management, in which it was warned that embankments, barriers and other structures should not be built in Vardar. The existing three galleys, as the data from the Study showed, reduced the flow of the river by a third, which itself increases the possibility of flooding.

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