The Kursk offensive has three objectives

An unnamed Ukrainian security official said several thousand soldiers took part in the incursion into Russia's Kursk province.

According to him, the purpose of the incursion is to destabilize Russia and suppress Russian forces with light and quick attacks.

Russia claims that several hundred Ukrainian soldiers carried out the surprise attack on August 6, but according to an unnamed Ukrainian official the number of Ukrainian soldiers was much higher, "much more ... thousands and thousands".

- We are on the offensive. The goal is to stretch the enemy's positions, inflict maximum losses and destabilize the situation in Russia - the Ukrainian representative pointed out.

Russia admitted yesterday that the Ukrainians had penetrated 30 kilometers into the Kursk area.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, on August 10 confirmed for the first time that Kiev has started an offensive that "pushes the war into the territory of the aggressor". The goal is to stretch the enemy's positions, inflict maximum losses and destabilize the situation in Russia, the Ukrainian representative pointed out.

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