From the heat 10 to 15 collapses a day, people pass out at bus stations, at work, in buses

Ambulance / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

The emergency medical service records interventions for 10 to 15 collapses per day, as well as interventions for an increasing number of traffic accidents.

 - This weekend, we intervened in 10 accidents, seven of them on Friday. Collapses in public places - workplace, bus station, buses and so on, falling down the stairs, are a total of 15 interventions, most of which are on a working day, more precisely on Friday we had a total of eight interventions - said in a statement to MIA doctor Rihad Redzepi. head of shift in the Emergency Medical Service in Skopje.

From Friday until seven o'clock this morning, they had a total of 152 interventions.

- Of them, 52 from the first degree of urgency, 80 from the second degree of urgency. Just for yesterday, in 24 hours, we recorded a total of 77 interventions, 23 of the first degree of urgency, and 42 of the second degree of urgency - points out doctor Redzepi.

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