The opposition accuses: a secret "deal" between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI, the balancer exposed them

Ali Ahmeti, Hristijan Mickoski, Photo: Facebook Ahmeti

Only a day after a group of MPs of DUI submitted a Proposal for the establishment of a Commission of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia to monitor the appropriate and fair representation of citizens belonging to all communities, at yesterday's 12th session of the Assembly, the MPs from the ruling majority expressly adopted this initiative which, in turn, caused sharp reactions among the opposition and suspicions that VMRO-DPMNE and DUI are cooperating and colluding, and mutual attacks are only misleading the public.

Through a statement, SDSM warned that there are divisions between the ruling VMRO-DPMNE and the opposition DUI, which are being made behind the backs of the citizens, and this coalition, according to them, is working.

- The same VMRO-DPMNE that promised to abolish the balancer, by realizing the agreement with DUI, raised it to a higher level, to the level of the Parliament. Now we have an upgraded and expanded balancer, the application of which will be the responsibility of the Assembly. In the morning, Mickoski says that DUI will destabilize the country, and in the afternoon in the Assembly, his deputies vote joint decisions with DUI. Didn't they become accomplices in the destabilization plan - SDSM asks.

And the opposition Left reacted and reminded that this agreement between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI "collapsed" when the reorganization of the Government was voted and new ministries were formed.

- Levica then made an offer. It was offered to the Left to vote for the reform of the Government, if the reform was bad, and in return to vote for the introduction of one electoral unit. But for DPMNE it was not acceptable. DPMNE went to seek votes from DUI, and from there they asked for a parliamentary committee through which they will press for employment in state bodies on an ethnic basis, i.e. what is the function of the balancer - MP Saše Janchev from Levica wrote on his Facebook profile.

He also emphasized the hypocritical behavior of the largest ruling party which during the pre-election period attacked the Left and "trumpeted" that "a vote for the Left is a vote for DUI".

- And you know what is the strongest. The fact that DUI are not even present in the Assembly. There was only one member of parliament in the hall when the DUI commission was voted - Yanchev emphasized.

Otherwise, the Left advocates for the immediate and complete abolition of the balancer tool, as "a necessary step to stop the destructive process of the partisanship of the public administration and improve the efficiency and competence of the state apparatus". All parties agree that years ago the tool was misused for party employment in the administration.

How to balance with the balancer

Yesterday, while the item on the agenda of the Parliament was the establishment of the Commission for the balancer, the member of the AA, Ziyadin Sela, from the lectern of the "Academy for Legitimacy" organized by the Albanian opposition on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, gave a sharp message to Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski should not play with the balancer and fair ethnic representation, which is one of the biggest benefits of the Ohrid Agreement.

- Our obligation to the European Front, to the activists, to the citizens who think rationally about launching peace in the Republic of North Macedonia, all segments of the Ohrid Framework Agreement that have not been regulated by law until now and from now on to be regulated by law in terms of fair representation and not to play with the balancer after Stoilkovic's and the prime minister's choice and to serve everyone else except the citizens from whom they got the vote, in a way that once and for all the legitimacy is guaranteed by respecting what the contracts are signed for, and that are the citizens, the ethnic communities and this is the future of RSM - said Sela.

The ruling majority has already corrected the digital balancer tool, so it returned the numbers to the census results exclusively of the resident population from the census in 2021 and announced the abolition of the tool in stages in order to start employing professional, educated and quality personnel in the administration in the future, regardless of nationality. Two years ago, the then Ministry of Information Society and Administration led by DUI ordered that 31,5 percent of Albanians be employed in the administration, taking the results of the census including the non-resident population.

At yesterday's formal session of the Government on the occasion of the anniversary of the Framework Agreement, Prime Minister Mickoski was determined that the agreement is part of the Macedonian laws and Constitution, and what is not finished and what must be worked on are the "real problems of our fellow citizens".

- The public should not fall into the trap of new and new endless ethnic demands of the parties that are now in opposition. They had their chance and spent the time on personal enrichment, and instead of being dedicated to the struggle to win for a better life for the citizens, stronger education, economy, more money for the citizens, they decided to build for themselves mansions, haciendas, to buy shopping centers, to abuse everything that can be abused - Mickoski told the oppositionists from the European Front that their demands are a thing of the past for the new government.

Today MP Mile Lefkov from VMRO - DPMNE recalled the corruption cases in which DUI officials are involved and stressed that there must be accountability for those who committed crimes regardless of ethnicity, and he also mentioned the son of MP Musa Xhaferi, who is signatory of the initiative to establish a commission for the balancer.

- There will be responsibility and it is being worked on in all cases. And the public knows about the points of corruption of 14 million euros of debt written off by MEPSO to Musa Xhaferi's son and companies close to them, through the grandsons of Ahmeti and the purchase of Soravia, the crime of Lottery and illegal gambling houses, up to every single crime - said Mile Lefkov. deputy and member of the IC of VMRO-DPMNE.

Ten days ago, the Ministry of the Interior filed a criminal complaint according to which Drin Ahmeti and his brother Besian Ahmeti, a diplomat in Brussels, are suspected of non-payment of concessions for the extraction of mineral resources worth 27.000 euros, and the Ministry of Finance submitted an initiative to the government to have them confiscated the licenses for organizing games of chance to two companies that did not pay the fees.

Parliamentary Committee on the balancer

The initiative for the establishment of the Parliamentary Commission to monitor the appropriate and fair representation of citizens belonging to all communities was signed by MPs from DUI and Alliance for Albanians Blerim Bejeti, Arbana Pasholi, Ilire Dauti, Ilir Demiri, Ilir Hassani, Ismail Jahoski and Musa Xhaferi.

The commission can provide recommendations, opinions, and conclusions that should be applied by the state government bodies and other public institutions at all levels regarding the situation for adequate and fair representation of citizens belonging to all communities.

This commission, which consists of a president and 12 members and their deputies, will submit two half-yearly reports to the Parliament on the appropriate and fair representation of all ethnic communities in the state government bodies and in other public institutions at all levels, as well as on the implementation of the action plans. of the Government in the field of fair representation in employment.

Otherwise, the need for cooperation and communication between the largest Macedonian and the largest Albanian bloc was also emphasized by the leader of DUI Ali Ahmeti at the Academy yesterday when, speaking about the legitimacy and their exclusion from power as the party with the most votes from the Albanian campus, he warned that the opposite would have fatal consequences. consequences on the Macedonian nation.

-Macedonians as a nation can progress only in communication and harmony and good relations with the Albanians, otherwise they will swallow the Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks. I am not saying this only to you, but also to all other Macedonian political representatives. Coexistence, cooperation, we can preserve history, identity, they can preserve their national identity, otherwise they are destined not to exist at all - said Ahmeti at the Academy for Legitimacy.

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