Nutritionist Tanja Turundzieva: Students should consume Mediterranean food, mostly fish, cereals and mushrooms

After embracing eating habits, recommendations and prohibitions in pregnant and lactating women, nutritional recommendations for women follow, following all stages of their development from childhood, through puberty and adolescence, until adulthood and old age.

Nutrition in girls at puberty and adolescence

In my many years of nutritional practice I have noticed that every stage of a woman is different, but somehow it is most hedonistic in puberty and adolescence, when the first problems with excess weight appear, with the appearance of acne and blackheads. This extra complex of extra pounds leads to improvised diets, which, in turn, lead to even greater damage due to hormonal imbalance. Extra starvation can lead to anorexia or bulimia, which also puts the girl's health at risk. It is very important in that period for the parents to influence and act on their daughter, to talk seriously on the topic, without insulting her personality. That category of girls is the most specific for me and although they have aversions to certain types of food, they are still very disciplined. They quickly notice that with the changes in the diet, the acne calms down, the face is cleansed, a balance is established. They begin to eat large amounts of vegetables and fruits and pots such as green beans, lentils, chickpeas, mushrooms, they reorient, not to eat a lot of meat and certain dairy products. On certain days they supply the body only with fresh enzymes, to feel the benefits of them on their skin, metabolism, as well as on the immune system.

Welcome to the world of adults

After finishing high school, especially the girls who study go to another stage, when due to the fast pace and the way of life, they do not have order and discipline in terms of nutrition. The first cellulite begins to appear due to the static condition and insufficient intake of fluids, especially water. It is clear that women in this period of life are under constant stress, which is reflected in both the immune system and the metabolism, but they should not at all costs reach for fast food or drink large amounts of caffeinated beverages to stay awake in the evening. hours. It is one of the misconceptions about coffee and caffeinated beverages, which is contraindicated by eliminating calcium from the body, as one of the vital minerals. Due to the stress of college and sleepless nights due to exams, students disrupt their biorhythm. In those periods of hard learning and work, I recommend a Mediterranean diet with plenty of fish, seafood and mushrooms as an ideal protein for concentration and protection of the immune system in combination with gluten-free cereals that contain up to nine amino acids, plenty of B vitamins and magnesium. - what keeps our nervous system.

Menstrual alarm in the form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

You need a balance of three meals a day, which rarely happens to women, because they are afraid of so many meals and so begins the improvisation in terms of nutrition - many foods are eliminated from the diet, there is an obsessive need for sweets, bread, dairy products such as food that can not be done without, especially in the period before the menstrual cycle. Then we need to exclude chocolate - it is true that it raises serotonin, however, it should be known that one of the causes of migraine pain in the premenstrual cycle is exactly chocolate and caffeinated beverages. If we eat useful seeds in the morning (flax, sunflower), they will control the need for light with their caloric value. It has been scientifically proven that those who do not poison the body in the period of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) have a much calmer body and metabolism.

Woman as a major figure in society

It is very important for a woman to have order and discipline in her diet, which will maintain balance and will not disturb the body and metabolism. To spend every woman's age full of energy, to keep the health of young people, to be educated in terms of improving health, and if there is a problem, to always turn to professionals who will provide adequate treatment. If we do not keep our health through food, we will not have it, and a family needs a healthy and energetic, beautiful, smart woman, who, as feminist as it sounds, is a pillar of the Macedonian family. The Macedonian woman is a good mother and wife, a great housewife and cook - a driving force in the environment, not only as a mother and wife but simply as a figure in society.

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