Student protests in Serbia / Photo: EPA-EFE/ANDREJ CUKIC

Novi Sad: Law Faculty students will be able to take exams in a courtroom

The Academic Council of the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad has decided that the January exam period, which was uncertain due to the active student blockade of the faculty premises, will be held, and the exams will be taken in the building of the judicial authorities in the city, reports "Danas".

"Following the decision of the Council of the Faculty of Law for the authentic interpretation of Article 16, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Rules for Teaching and Assessing Students, the decision of the Teaching and Scientific Council upon the established request that the exams in the January examination period be held elsewhere, i.e. outside the headquarters of the Faculty, and with the approval of the Dean in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 1 of the Rules for Teaching and Assessing Students, as well as the consent of the Ministry of Justice, primary, higher, commercial and the Courts of Appeal in Novi Sad, we inform you that the exams will be held in the January examination period of the academic year 2024/25, starting on Thursday, January 16, in the building of the judicial authorities in Novi Sad," the Faculty of Law said in a statement.

The exam schedule will be updated in accordance with the above decisions and approvals and will be made available in a timely manner through student and faculty services, the statement said.

The Faculty of Law emphasizes in a statement that the decisions to hold the January exam period elsewhere than in the faculty building have nothing to do with the support that teachers and associates gave to the students who blocked the Faculty building, nor can they be interpreted in any way as a form of pressure on the students who block the Faculty building.

The faculty also states that after the complete blockade of the building, the administration was the first to initiate talks with the students who blocked the building, with a request through the faculty doorman, which they refused and said they only wanted to talk to the faculty secretary, which the administration respected.

"The decisions made clearly demonstrate the Faculty's intention to respect the will of the students who blocked the Faculty building, as well as the will of the students who want to take the exam. There was never an idea to forcefully enter the Faculty building, nor to cause conflict between students who want to take the exam and students who believe that the January deadline should not be held. With this compromise, the Faculty has equally protected the integrity of the rights of every student," the Faculty Administration said in a statement.

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