The new Bulgarian government of Prime Minister Rosen Zheljazkov/Photo: EPA-EFE/VASSIL DONEV

The new Bulgarian government is wasting no time, starting work immediately

The ceremony of handing over and accepting executive power began with the playing of the Bulgarian and European Union anthems, held in the Council of Ministers building. It was attended by the current ministers of the newly elected regular government of Bulgaria, headed by Prime Minister Rosen Zheljazkov, as well as former ministers of the official cabinet, headed by former acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev.

"We are ending the mandate of the transitional government satisfied with what has been done," former interim Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev said at the ceremony.

Dimitar Glavchev also highlighted the successes of his technical cabinet.

"We can count on full acceptance into Schengen, which is an extraordinary success, not to mention even historic, taking into account the efforts of all those before us that were made in this direction," Glavchev said.

He added that it is expected that tomorrow or within a few days it will be announced that Bulgaria meets the last criterion for admission to the eurozone – which is price stability. He wished Rosen Zheljazkov success.

"I know you very well, Mr. Prime Minister, I am confident that you will continue at the same pace with which we have worked so far. I know most of the members personally and I know that will be the case. I wish you success and I am very happy that there will be a regular cabinet. This is very important for a way out of the political crisis," Glavchev said.

"For us, as a regularly elected cabinet, it is extremely important to rely on parliamentary support, we have made serious efforts to gain broad support," said Bulgarian Prime Minister Rosen Zhelyazkov.

According to him, the coalition agreement of 4 parties is a guarantee that in the next month a management program will be prepared and presented not only with goals and priorities, but also with specific policies and programs, as well as their financial protection.

"The specter of permanent elections that cannot radiate power, once and for all in one term of government, will end. The first tasks are related to instilling confidence in the state administration and the necessary incentive to enable it to function motivatedly there. There is no time to waste, the 100 days of tolerance are long gone. Our task is to harness the state machine with good synchronization to fulfill the political priorities and goals, which are set out in the agreement Stable finances, a plan for their balancing, and the implementation of the expected social policies," added Prime Minister Rosen Zheljazkov.

Bulgarian MPs vote for Zheljazkov's cabinet, regular government in sight

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