New investment: Swiss "DM Bau AG" will invest at least seven million euros and will create 200 jobs

Photo: Government of RSM

The company, which is owned by our compatriot, who lives and works in Switzerland, bought 72.000 square meters of land this year, on which earthworks have already begun. In the first half of 2025, the construction of all announced facilities will begin, including the production of modular facilities

The government and the Swiss company "DM Bau AG" signed an agreement for state aid, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced at a press conference. He informed that it is an investment of at least 7 million euros, which will be located in the Industrial Zone in Kumanovo and will open 200 new jobs.

-According to the agreement, the investment will exceed this minimum amount, which is intended for the purchase of land, as well as machines and equipment for the production of modular buildings. "DM Bau AG" is a Swiss company with a turnover of several tens of millions of Swiss francs, and is among the world's largest manufacturers in this segment. Their production takes place at two locations in Switzerland, and in Macedonia it will be near Kumanovo, more precisely in the industrial zone there. It is a large complex of several buildings with 35.000 square meters under the roof. The company, which by the way is owned by our compatriot, who lives and works in Switzerland, bought 72.000 square meters of land this year, on which land works have already begun. In the first half of 2025, the construction of all announced facilities will begin, including the production of modular facilities - Mickoski explained.

The Prime Minister is happy that our fellow citizen decided to invest here, and the new Government is working hard to correct the consequences of the disastrous rule of SDSM and DUI.

- We are correcting the mistakes of the previous government and I can say that we are chasing the historically highest result in attracting direct foreign investments, which will reach 1 billion euros this year. This will not be the only investment this week and I am announcing another one by the end of the week with the laying of another foundation stone. These are excellent results in difficult geostrategic conditions - Mickoski praised.

The representative of the management team of "DM Bau AG" indicated that they are a Swiss company that focuses on prefabricated wooden structures and have thought very carefully about their expansion.

- We carefully checked several different places and possibilities for where we can expand the company and finally we are really happy that North Macedonia appeared as the place we chose and I think so far it has been going well - the dialogue, openness, finding a solution. It showed us that our decision was right. Therefore, we are really looking forward to start our process here and we are sure that together with you we can build a successful company in North Macedonia. We are also very proud that our project is ongoing. We look forward to being able to create new jobs, new opportunities here, in this region, as well as add value when it comes to education and training for prefabricated structures - emphasized the management team.

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