There are no medical errors in the case of the death of little Jana Hristovska, the Inspectorate determined

The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate carried out an extraordinary inspection at PHI Clinical Hospital "Dr. Trifun Panovski" Bitola, where the six-year-old died Jana Hristovska from the village of Kravari.

Health inspectors concluded that the girl was given glucose along with saline solution - but this was not the fault of the pediatricians who treated the girl. The medical records were inspected, and statements were taken from the health workers who treated the child. Little Jana died of cardiac arrest.

– The child was brought to the ward for examination on 22.03.2023/10/86. around 10 a.m. without prior referral from a family doctor. She was admitted for examination by a specialist pediatrician, who created an "urgent referral" with a referral diagnosis of E07 – dehydration at XNUMX:XNUMX am. Anamnestic information was obtained about an elevated temperature from three days ago and a sore throat, for which the mother gave her Co-almacin syrup. The day before the admission, there was no elevated temperature, with vomiting on two occasions, and since the evening, swelling of the eyelids and pain in the legs, after which the mother stopped the syrup. From the clinical examination, the findings revealed swelling of the eyelids, hyperemic arcs in the tonsillopharyngeal region and a coated tongue - say the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate.

Jana received an infusion which was a physiological solution with 5 percent glucose, so blood was taken again for additional analyses, where the sugar was checked.
- Then a reference was made for a biochemical laboratory - urinary, glucose and acid-base status, blood and urine samples were taken for analysis and then prescribed therapy - 'Hypoglusal 1' - 500 ml. (250 ml.5% Glucose and 250 ml.0,9% Sodium Chloride) and amp. Bedoxin. After the obtained results, at 10.45:XNUMX am, extended analyzes were taken - blood count, enzyme status, degradation products, carbohydrate and protein status, electrolytes and lipid status - added by DSZI.

- Malaise, pallor, tachycardia and somnolence (drowsiness) occurred. The doctor who performed the initial examination asked for help from the second attending pediatrician. The child was transferred from the day hospital to the unit's semi-intensive care room and placed on a monitor and oxygen support. Two ECG recordings were made at 12.34 pm and at 12.42 pm. and a consular examination by an anesthetist from the facility was requested. In the meantime, the child goes into cardiac arrest, after which resuscitation is performed. A consultation was also carried out with specialists - pediatricians from PHI UC for children's diseases from the department of cardiology and neurology for transport in that health institution. On the recommendation of the specialist - anesthesiologist in the hospital, additional analyzes of the enzyme and acid-base status (creatine kinase and troponin) were performed at 13.34:13.49 pm and 14:15.20 pm. Due to the further deterioration of the condition, at XNUMX p.m. the child was transferred to the SARIL intensive care unit, where cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed and therapy was given, but without success. The anesthesiologist declared death at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. - added DSZI.

- According to the statement of the two doctors - specialist pediatricians, following the results obtained from the enzyme tests performed for elevated indicators of heart disease (creatine kinase and troponin), the child's mother was notified of the seriousness of the condition. The body of the deceased child has been sent for autopsy. No shortcomings have been found within the competence of DSZI - adds the inspectorate.

Apart from the inspection at the Bitola hospital, there is currently no information from DSZI whether an inspection was also made in the documentation of the deceased girl, which was kept by the family doctor.

Testimony about Jana's last moments was given by the father, who together with his wife are convinced that the glucose infusion she received was decisive for the death of their daughter, despite the fact that earlier analyzes showed that her sugar level was 9. After the infusion, her sugar level went up. on the 19th, her condition got complicated, and after three hours, they were told that she died.

The Bitola Prosecutor's Office also came out with a position, from where they indicated that they issued orders to determine the actual situation.

Family seeks medical liability for 6-year-old girl: My daughter Jana died after being given glucose and sugar and rose to 19

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