Several hundred people march in the Cannabis Parade through Berlin

Hundreds of people called for further legalization of cannabis at this year's Hanfparade, or Cannabis Parade, in Berlin, DPA reports.

At the beginning of the demonstration, the police counted about 650 participants. They said the atmosphere was cheerful and peaceful.

Under the motto "Legalization, but correctly!" the initial gathering began in the main square in the east of the city.

During the protest, the demonstrators smoked "cannabis". Since the partial decriminalization of cannabis in Germany this year, the drug can be consumed publicly from the age of 18 under certain conditions.

The 28th parade focused primarily on the Cannabis Act, which came into effect in April, which parade organizers called "inadequate."

They are campaigning for the implementation of the second pillar of the law, which provides for the establishment of model projects for the sale of cannabis in specialized stores.

For now, this is only possible in so-called cannabis clubs, where consumers must be members.

As of April 1, possession of certain amounts of cannabis, private cultivation and public consumption of the drug are allowed nationwide for people aged 18 and over under certain conditions.

No more than 25 grams may be carried in public or more than 50 grams kept at home.

Three plants are allowed to be grown at home.

Violations can be punished with a heavy fine.

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