'A few degrees higher': Vienna museum tilts paintings to warn of global warming

Photo: Printscreen - Instagram

A few months ago, climate change activists threw paint on the image of Gustav Klimt at the Vienna museum in protest, on a day when admission was free thanks to the sponsorship of an oil company, reports Reuters.

After that event, the Vienna museum, where climate activists targeted the glass protection of the Gustav Klimt painting, responded with an exhibition titled "A few degrees higher", in which images are tilted a few degrees to draw attention to global warming.

Activists from the group Last Generation painted the glass in front of Klimt's Death and Life at the Leopold Museum in Vienna, and one taped his hand to the glass at a protest in November calling for an end to oil extraction.

"We think that way is completely wrong," the museum's artistic director, Hans-Peter Wiplinger, told Reuters on the opening day of the "A Few Degrees Higher" exhibition.

Within the exhibition, 15 works by artists, including Klimt and the Austrian great Egon Schiele, are hung upside down with accompanying texts, which draw attention to the effect of global warming.

According to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), emissions must be halved by the mid-2030s if the world is to have any chance of limiting the temperature rise to 1,5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels - a key target contained in the 2015 Paris Agreement.

"We wanted to initiate something productive, something communicative." This means conveying a message and not only with spectacular photos (such as the protest) but also by helping visitors learn more about the situation and the various contexts of this global warming," Wiplinger said.

VIDEO: Eco-activists caused a new incident, this time in Vienna

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