Cars parked on the sidewalk in Aerodrom / Photo: "Sloboden Pechat" / Dragan Mitreski

Violence between neighbors, theft and a fight in a bar: Aerodrom in the past 24 hours

Police have registered three incidents in the Skopje municipality of Aerodrom in the past 24 hours.

A 19-year-old boy reported that a 30-year-old resident of Skopje attacked him in a restaurant in the neighborhood.

In broad daylight, a couple was also attacked in a parking lot.

"B.D. (65) from Skopje reported that at around 12.30:69 p.m. in a parking lot in the Aerodrom municipality, she and her husband P.D. (39) were physically attacked by B.N. (XNUMX) from Skopje. After the case is fully documented, an appropriate report will be filed," the Ministry of Interior said.

Yesterday, there was also a robbery at a catering facility, when an unknown perpetrator, using force and a suitable tool, took goods, money and other items from the facility, according to the Ministry of Interior.

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