At UKIM, the second enrollment period for the first cycle of studies begins, there are vacancies in almost all faculties

Student Enrollment / Photo - Free Press / Metodi Zdravev

At the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje today and tomorrow is the second deadline for enrollment in the first year of undergraduate studies for the academic year 2024/2025. After the first enrollment period on August 29 and 30, there are vacancies in almost all faculties of the University of Skopje.

According to information from UKIM, in the Faculty of Architecture all vacancies were filled in the first enrollment period, while at the Faculty of Civil Engineering there are 233 vacancies, of which 123 are intended for full-time students who are financed from the state budget, and 110 for full-time students with tuition fees.

At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEIT) there are 194 vacancies for regular students in the state quota, and 99 vacancies for those who will co-finance their studies.

At FINKI (Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering) there are 59 places for full-time students in the state quota, of which the most (41) are in the direction of computer engineering. There are 254 free places for full-time students with tuition at FINKI.

For full-time students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for the second enrollment period, there are 452 places, at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy 238, at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics for full-time students in the state quota there are 418 places available, for students in the private quota 324 places, and for part-time students 103 places.

There are no free places at the Faculty of Economics for students who are financed from the RSM budget, while there are 89 free places for full-time students with tuition fees and 49 for part-time students. At the "Justinian I" Faculty of Law, there are 100 vacancies in the state quorum, 323 for students with tuition fees and 49 for part-time students.

There are 592 vacancies at the Faculty of Philosophy, and about 300 vacancies at the "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology for all courses, for full-time and part-time students. At the Faculty of Pedagogy "St. Kliment Ohridski" for regular students in the state quota, there are 96 free places, for students with tuition fees 150, while there are 46 places for part-time students in the second enrollment period.

At the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health, there are no vacant places for full-time students who are financed from the state budget, and there are 73 places for full-time students with co-financing and 98 places for part-time students.

- Only nine places are free at the Faculty of Medicine for students who are financed from the RSM Budget, while 106 places are free for full-time students with tuition fees, and 92 places for part-time students. There are 71 vacancies at the Faculty of Pharmacy, while only 13 vacancies at the Faculty of Dentistry, UKIM said.

At the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, there are 292 free places for full-time students in the state quota, 120 for students with tuition and 83 for part-time students. There are 161 vacancies at the Faculty of Forestry Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Eco-Engineering "Hans Em", 57 vacancies at the Faculty of Furniture and Interior Design and Technologies and 52 vacancies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

- Only one place is available at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, while only seven places are available at the Faculty of Fine Arts. A total of 141 places are available at the Faculty of Music for the second enrollment period of the first cycle of studies, of which 52 are for students in the state quota, and 89 are for students in the private quota, UKIM informs on its website there is more information about undergraduate enrollment.

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