The Ministry of the Interior opened a procedure for Bojan Hristovski's certificate from Plovdiv
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) opened a procedure for the certificate of knowledge of the English language submitted by the director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Bojan Hristovski, announced "360 degrees".
After doubts in the public about the validity of the document proving knowledge of the English language, which Hristovski claims he acquired at the "Julia KO" school in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, the Ministry of the Interior says to the portal:
"We inform you that a case has been established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has been handed over to the Skopje PJSC for further action. For that reason, please contact the competent OJ for additional questions."
Since the beginning of the year, the Ministry of the Interior has filed criminal charges against at least three officials, due to grounds for suspicion that they submitted forged certificates from a school for foreign languages in Plovdiv - exactly where the school "Julia KO." is from. For two female principals, at a school in Drachevo and at hospital in Debar, there is also a court ruling. At the beginning of October, they pleaded guilty and were sentenced to two years of probation.
The Minister of Interior Pance Toškovski appeared this week at an event dedicated to the safety of journalists, but did not give a direct answer about Hristovski, but announced the verification of the English language proficiency certificates of 500 officials.