The Ministry of the Interior will punish, the new campaign "No pyrotechnics, safety first" begins

Photo: MIA

At the height of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the Ministry of the Interior organizes a new preventive campaign "No pyrotechnics, safety first", with the aim of informing citizens about the possible consequences and injuries from the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnics, as well as on the imposition of sanctions for the illegal sale and use of pyrotechnics.

- In cooperation with the Red Cross, we carry out a series of activities, leaflets with educational content are distributed, we organize demonstration exercises where citizens can see what consequences the use of these means can have. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also takes repressive measures, with the aim of sanctioning the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic means, and reminds citizens of the legal provisions that sanction the use of pyrotechnic means and their illegal sale, the Ministry of the Interior says.

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