Photo: Free Press

Can the flu be fatal for a small child, what after the abolition of fact-checkers and "Vevčanski Carnival"! Tomorrow in the "Free Press"

Outpatient clinics full of sick children. High temperatures, runny nose, fever, cough. Is it the flu, covid or a common cold? How many children are examined daily in pediatric outpatient clinics? This morning on this topic in the show Free Press we are talking to primary doctor Dushko Fidanovski, a pediatrician from the private hospital "Ajibadem-Sistina".

Is the abolition of fact-checkers on social networks a threat to democracy? We are talking about this topic with the communicator Bojan Kordalov.

The team of "Free Press" captures the oldest carnival in Europe up close. From Vevcani, we will try to convey to you as best we can the satire, humor, entertainment, but above all, the centuries-old tradition that lives on today thanks to the perseverance of Vevcani. We met nice people, spent a wonderful snowy day in Vevcani.

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