photo: MIA

Moldova faces a security crisis: Russia cut off gas to Transnistria

Moldova is facing a security crisis after tens of thousands of residents of the separatist region of Transnistria were left without Russian gas, Prime Minister Dorin Recan said.

The Russian gas flow through Ukraine, which supplied Central and Eastern Europe, was cut off at the end of 2024.

Recan emphasized that Moldova will meet its energy needs through domestic production and imports, but noted that Transnistria suffered a serious blow, despite its ties with Moscow.

- Russia is threatening the future of the region it has supported for three decades by trying to destabilize Moldova. This shows the inevitable fate of its allies – betrayal and isolation, Rechan said.

He added that the crisis aims to return pro-Russians to power and use Moldova as a weapon against Ukraine, with which it shares a border of 1200 kilometers.

In Transnistria, 1.500 high-rise buildings and 72.000 private homes were left without heating and gas, local authorities announced.

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