IMF: Asian economies have driven global economic growth

According to the data of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global economy is constantly growing. Global gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow by 3,2 percent this year and 3,3 percent next year.

Emerging Asian economies are the main drivers of global economic growth. Last year, India's economy grew by 8,2 percent, while China's economy grew by 5,2 percent. Half of the total global growth has been achieved in these two countries. However, it is possible that this trend will not continue, especially when it comes to China.

According to the latest IMF data, it is expected that China's growth will weaken in the next five years, that is, that by 2029 it will decrease to 3,3 percent. On the other hand, US growth of 2,6 percent this year is expected to remain relatively stable, with a projection that next year will be slightly lower, ie 1,9 percent.

Growth rates among developed countries are becoming more equal, and the IMF cites the narrowing of the output gap between these countries as a major factor.

According to the assessment of the British newspaper "The Economist", global growth in the next five years will be driven by technological transformation, the development of artificial intelligence and the energy transition.

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