The myth about Ahmeti collapsed with the placing of Grubi on the "black list" of the USA, says Nikoloski

Aleksandar Nikoloski / Photo: Sloboden pechat / Slobodan Djuric

The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications, Aleksandar Nikoloski, spoke tonight in "Only the truth" on "Channel 5" about "three pillars of the myth about Ahmeti" that he held onto, but "collapsed in just a few months in opposition".

"The first one was that he is honest, with the recent events in the last year and a half, two, and the scandals that were mainly brought out by the public, but also by VMRO-DPMNE, that myth has fallen. The second myth was that whatever he does, he is always in the government, here he is not," said Nikoloski and added that Ahmeti "lied to his members that in three or six months they would enter the government, so there would be local and parliamentary elections, but we saw that none of that happened."

"The third myth that has been collapsing since yesterday is that he does what he does, he protects his people. After what Artan Grubi wrote yesterday, it is clear that that myth will also collapse. So yes, the three pillars on which he built his politics, if you like, and the myth he built around himself, are falling," said Nikoloski.

He added that Ahmeti's behavior was "completely irresponsible".

"It is very easy to build a myth about someone when they are not involved in executive power. What kind of politician is he, who goes to the elections, as the first, and after that does not get involved in the executive power, he lets others there, and he sits in the assembly in Mala Recica as well. I'm sorry, but that's irresponsible behavior," Nikoloski concluded.

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