Mickovski: DUI is acting irresponsibly to protect the capital acquired over the past two decades
With this irresponsible behavior, DUI threatens the inter-ethnic image in the country and represents a threat to the peace and stability of Macedonia as a country. And we will take all the necessary measures as a Government to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Macedonia as a country. But in essence, these messages are an attempt to convulsively defend the wealth acquired during the past 20 years in power. And that is a fact, because democracy implies that the one who has a majority in parliament should also have a government, this is how Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski commented in an interview for "Focus" on DUI's initiatives for the "winner with winner" principle to enter the legal system and for territorial reorganization according to the Belgian model.
Mickoski, as announced by the government press office, added that the essence of such moves is to defend the capital acquired in the past 20 years in power, but the possibility of some groups being unwittingly manipulated and challenging territorial integrity and sovereignty is not excluded.
- Well, you see, the essence is to defend the capital acquired in these 22 years on the political scene and 20 years in power. But I do not rule out the possibility that certain groups and structures are being manipulated, unwittingly. And now those groups and structures can challenge the territorial integrity and sovereignty, create a crisis. We have a task as the Government to defend it and defend ourselves, underlined Mickoski.
When asked whether protests are expected on these issues, Mickoski answered that there is such information, but if they are peaceful and democratic, they are legitimate.
- I still have that information. I'm talking about protests. As long as they are democratic and peaceful, they are legitimate. If they become violent, then, I will say again, as a Government we have the right to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state, emphasized Mickoski.
Asked what he thinks about the "winner with winner" principle, Mickoski emphasized that democracy does not go along with this principle because the coalition partners from the previous government were delegitimized in elections and in the name of parliamentary democracy the defeated should go into opposition.
- The way democracy works does not go together with "winner with winner", because in politics you can't have a little with one, a little with the other. We have diametrically different platforms. You cannot be in the government with SDSM for 7 years and say - that is no longer valid and now I will go with VMRO-DPMNE. It can't be like that! You chose your coalition partner and operated on the basis of a program, no matter what it was. It was a government program, that government has been defeated, delegitimized and this is where the whole process ends. DUI with the coalition and SDSM together won less than 300 thousand votes. VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition won close to 450 thousand votes, and together with VLEN and ZNAM more than 600 thousand, Mickoski said.
He added that the will of the people is clear and that in such a new political reality, in the name of parliamentary democracy, "the defeated should go into opposition, and the winner creates the structure of the future government".