Mickoski: The judiciary must be filtered

Here we will not interfere, we will sit aside and let them do that catharsis themselves, filter themselves and reject what is bad from the system. May the good overcome the bad - said Prime Minister Mickoski.

The President of the Government, Hristijan Mickoski, said in an interview for "Focus" that despite the fact that there are many well-founded suspicions of crimes that should be investigated by the prosecutor's office, at this moment we see that there is zero action and investigations.

– I am always a supporter of the idea that everyone deserves a chance. We will not behave like SDSM and we will not abuse the deputies, preach in the parliament to change it. Everyone deserves a chance, and this one (Ljupco Kocevski) deserves a chance, so let's see if he will use that chance. If he does not take that chance, I will speak publicly. Unfortunately, the beginning is not good - said Prime Minister Mickoski.

Speaking about the Council of Public Prosecutors and the Judicial Council, Prime Minister Mickoski emphasized that, so far, no one has offered another model, therefore, what the government led by VMRO-DPMNE is offering is for judges and prosecutors to choose themselves who will be in these two institutions, as and to gain greater independence through an autonomous budget percentageally tied to the total budget. However, the Minister of Finance, Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska, clearly stated at the Friday press briefing that for the time being they do not deserve more money, because there are many unfinished items, and the money is only used for salaries.




Prime Minister Mickoski says that the minority in the judiciary who are in key positions make the judiciary what it is and that must be filtered out.

- There are those who are corrupt, but not all of them, but a minority. There are those who kept items in a drawer and did not process them, but they are also a minority. The majority cannot be subservient to the minority. The minority will catalyze itself and filter out and be voiceless. Unfortunately, the minority is now in key positions and that's why we need this majority to defeat the minority, by choosing for themselves what they think they need. Here we will not interfere, we will sit aside and let them do that catharsis themselves, filter themselves and reject what is bad from the system. May the good overcome the bad - said Prime Minister Mickoski.

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