Mickoski: The purchase of rice has been decided, 6.000 denars for 1.000 kilograms

WC Archive

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced today that the purchase of rice has been decided. A decision was made to further support the purchase with 6.000 denars for 1.000 kilograms of purchased rice paddy intended for export, and rice producers will receive subsidies of 18 thousand denars per hectare for the current year 2024.

- After the intensive meetings we had together with the Minister of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Cvetan Tripunovski, a solution was found for the purchase of the rice producers. A decision was made to further support the purchase with 6.000 denars per 1.000 kilograms of purchased rice paddy intended for export. In addition to this, rice producers will receive subsidies of 18 thousand denars per hectare for the current year 2024 - Mitkoski wrote on Facebook.

According to him, this is concrete and very welcome support for farmers. In this way, as he states, we solve problems and fight for a better standard for everyone!

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